Risk Assessment

As an employer or contractor, you are required by law or by your customer to assess risks and prepare a preventive action plan for your company or projects.

AFRICASAFE can provide a wide range of professional safety risk consulting services. From preliminary analysis of the risks inherent in your activities to the formalization of dynamic risk management mapping and dashboards.

The benefits of our approach

1- A 360° view of your OHS risks, we help you identify and prioritize your risks in a simple and effective way based on our feedback and best practices in other industries.

2- React quickly to the highest risks,we enable you to mobilize your resources in the right place, hazards with high severity potential and be able to react appropriately and in time.

3- Operational proactivity, our approach is based on involving employees at every organizational level of your company. Make everyone aware of hazards, use risk registers during incident investigations, safety inspections or to define work procedures.

COMPREHENSIVE risk management on construction sites

Major risk factors in construction :

1- Design risks, design errors, delays Vs late design changes.

2- External risks, utility constraints, stakeholder changes, regulation.

3- Organizational risks, workforce turnover, experience

4- SST risks, site hazards, means of protection

5- Risks related to project management,Scheduling errors, conflict within the project team, subcontractor delays.

6- Operational risks, building permits, real estate costs

On-site risk management is no longer superfluous for those involved in construction projects, such as the state, developers and customers. Construction companies need to be able to act proactively in the face of crises and hazards.

AFRIKSAFE Consultants have the expertise to make risk management an effective decision-making tool for your construction projects, The application possibilities are broad and can be found in all phases of the project, as well as for all participants involved .